2024 WNBF TW8自然健美國際邀請賽 


113年10月4日(星期五)下午1:00至5:00時於台北大直典華宴會館(台北市中山區植福路8號) 【台北捷運文湖線-劍南路站2號出口】
113年10月4日(星期五) 下午5:30至6:00時於台北大直典華宴會館(台北市中山區植福路8號) 【台北捷運文湖線-劍南路站2號出口】,選手說明會所有參賽選手務必參加,若未參加者錯失相關注意事項進而喪失權益,則後果須由選手自行承擔。
指導單位 : WNBF 世界自然健美協會
主辦單位 : WNBF 台灣自然健美協會
協辦單位 : FIT IN健身訓練工作室、概勃創意行銷有限公司
比賽日期 : 中華民國113年10月5日(星期六)及10月6日 (星期日)
比賽地點 : 台北大直典華宴會館(台北市中山區植福路8號) 【台北捷運文湖線-劍南路站2號出口】
開幕時間 : 113年10月5日(星期六)及10月6日 (星期日)上午10:30時舉行,敬請全體參賽選手屆時參加開幕典禮。
比賽裁判 : 由本會WNBF聘請國內外合格裁判擔任之。
競賽規則 : 採用最新WNBF國際自然健美總會比賽規則。
參賽資格 :
(一)、中華民國國民年滿 18 歲以上身體健壯者具有正式國際自然健美WNBF會員(繳交會員費符合大會資格者),均可報名參加。
(二)、外籍公民年滿 18歲者以上身體健壯者具有正式國際WNBF會員(繳交會員費符合大會資格者), 均可報名參加。
參賽辦法 : 採個人網路線上報名(每人最多可報名四個項目)。
報名時間 : 即日起至 113年9月15日(星期日)截止。
報名事項 :
(一)、 選手須先繳交WNBF國際自然健美組織會員費才符合參賽選手資格,選手入會會員年費為新台幣 2000元整,加入WNBF會員參加WNBF國內外賽事之有效資格文件(會員卡),有效期限至該年12月31日。(例:113年4/1申請會員,則會員有效期限至113年12/31)
(二) 、請依序填寫協會報名表單,個人報名費賽事費用為單項新台幣 1800 元、兩項新台幣3600元 、三項新台幣5400元、四項新台幣7200元。
(三)、測謊規定 : 基於WNBF世界自然健美總會程序之公平公正公開賽事要求,所有參賽選手應進行測謊檢查,參賽選手須先繳交測謊費用新台幣1800元整,專業測謊人員實行儀器測謊鑑定(約30分鐘),測謊分為北中南三個地區,完成報名及繳費後協會將以email方式提供預約測謊場次及時間之信件,請參賽選手詳閱測謊注意事項並於預約之時間內完成測謊,逾時未測謊以棄權論。
規定事項 :
(二)、開幕時間 : 113年10月5日(星期六)及10月6日 (星期日)上午10:30時舉行,敬請全體參賽選手屆時參加開幕典禮。
(六)、本次比賽只允許使用大會認證之M-CURE品牌之BBTAN膚色膏進行上色,為求所有選手均在台上能呈現一致的色調,所有選手統一使用BBTAN色調,GOLD TAN及FITNESS STAR TAN則不允許使用,使用非M-CURE膚色膏之選手則不予以上台比賽。
(七)、表演音樂請參賽選手自備(參加健美項目才需要繳交),並請參賽選手將表演音樂 e-mail 至 wnbftaiwan@gmail.com (檔名請註記 1.參賽選手姓名。2.參賽量級。3.音樂檔案一律使用mp3檔,請選手自行轉檔。4.請將音樂剪輯至1分鐘長度,若未完成上述條件則一律採用大會準備之音樂),若未在113年9月15日前將音樂email至協會則一律採用大會準備之音樂。
(十)、所有選手必須完成過磅及測量身高之程序,若無法在指定時間參加過磅登記者將失去比賽資格,選手最遲應於113年10月4日下午5:00 前完成逾時不候,若有特殊情況請主動聯絡協會。
(十一)、所有選手在過磅時登記時須攜帶下列文件證明:1.台灣人持有效身分證件即可。 2.外籍人士持有效之護照。 3.駐地移民或合法居住證明。
(十二)、選手比賽頒獎完後,WNBF TAIWAN藥檢組將立即對該量級第一名進行尿液採集檢測,第二、第三名或協會指定藥檢選手則採隨機抽驗方式進行,藥檢過程選手務必配合所有程序及流程,若有過度抗拒之行為則協會有權沒收該選手名次及獎牌。
(十四)、比賽相關禁賽藥物請至WNBF 總會官網查詢,若有特殊醫療行為需提供相關醫療單位開立診斷證明書,協會將判斷選手有無參賽資格。
(十八) 、因應個人資料保護法「所填報名參加本賽事之個人資料,僅供本賽事相關用途使用」。
(十九) 、若測謊或藥檢未通過者大會將公開該名選手姓名、照片及藥檢或測謊報告且不予以退費,並將處以終身禁賽處分,請選手切勿抱持僥倖心態報名參加。



(各級參賽人數不滿六人時,大會得以視狀況併級) :


全場總冠軍爭奪(公開組取量級前兩名)※新秀組無I-Walk自選動作,青少年組、壯年組、公開組每位選手I-Walk 20秒(三)、男子運動模特組:男子運動模特青少年組男子運動模特公開組170公分以下男子運動模特公開組175公分以下
※新秀組無I-Walk自選動作,青少年組、壯年組、公開組每位選手I-Walk 30秒(六)、女子運動模特組:女子運動模特青少年組

*Attention, all participants please read the following content carefully to ensure your rights in the competition.

※ Competition Rules ※

Check-in and Weigh-ins:

October 4th, 2024 (Fri), 1pm to 5pm, check-in and weigh-ins will be held at Taipei Dianhua Banquet Hall (No. 8 Zhifu Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City). Taipei Metro Wenhu Line - Jiannan Road Station Exit 2.

※ For identification purposes, participants must present their ID's (passports for foreign participants) upon check-in, and must wear the appropriate competition attire for their event during weigh-ins. If participating in two different events, participants must prepare the required attire for both events.

Participant Briefing:

October 4th, 2024 (Fri), 5:30pm to 6pm. The Participant briefing will be held at Taipei Dianhua Banquet Hall (No. 8 Zhifu Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City). Taipei Metro Wenhu Line - Jiannan Road Station Exit. All participants must attend the briefing. Participants who do not attend will miss relevant information and may lose their rights in the competition. Any consequences resulting from failure to attend will be the participant's own responsibility.

Mentor: WNBF World Natural Bodybuilding Federation

Organizer: WNBF Taiwan Natural Bodybuilding Association

Co-organizers: FIT IN Fitness Training Studio, GaiBo Creative Marketing Co., Ltd.

Competition Dates: October 5th, 2024 (Sat) and October 6th (Sun)

Competition Venue: Taipei Dian Hua Banquet Hall (No. 8 Zhifu Road, Zhongshan District). MRT Wenhu Line - Jiannan Road Station Exit 2.

Opening Time: The opening ceremony will be held at 10:30am on October 5th, 2024 (Sat) and October 6th (Sun). All participating athletes are invited to attend the opening ceremony.

Judges: Qualified judges from domestic and foreign countries will be hired by WNBF.

Competition Rules: The latest rules of the WNBF International Natural Bodybuilding Federation will be adopted.

※ Registration Notes ※


(1) Taiwanese citizens who are over 18 years of age, physically fit, and have official membership in the WNBF International Natural Bodybuilding Federation (those who have paid membership fees and meet the qualifications of the Federation) are eligible to register.

(2) Foreign citizens who are over 18 years of age, physically fit, and have official membership in the WNBF International Natural Bodybuilding Federation (those who have paid membership fees and meet the qualifications of the Federation) are eligible to register.

Registration Method: Registration is done online as an individual (each person can register for up to four events).

Registration Time: Registration is open from now until Sep 15th, 2024.

Registration information:

1.Participants must first pay the membership fee to the WNBF International Natural Bodybuilding Organization to qualify as competing athletes. The annual membership fee for athletes is 2000 New Taiwan Dollars. Joining the WNBF provides eligibility to participate in WNBF domestic and international events and includes a valid membership document (membership card) until December 31st of the same year. (For example: If membership is applied on April 1st of the year 2024, the membership will be valid until December 31st, 2024.)

2. Please fill out the association registration form in order, and the registration fee for each event is NT$1800 for one event, NT$3600 for two events, NT$5400 for three events, and NT$7200 for four events.

3. Polygraph Regulations: Based on the WNBF's requirements for fair, just, and transparent competitions, all participants must undergo a lie detector test. Participants must first pay a fee of NT$1800, and a professional polygraph examiner will conduct the test (approximately 30 minutes). The lie detector test will be conducted in the northern, central, and southern regions. After completing the registration and payment, the association will provide an email to make an appointment for the lie detector test. Participants should read the lie detector test notice carefully and complete the test within the scheduled time. Failure to take the lie detector test within the allotted time will result in disqualification.


(1) On-site registration and weigh-in for participants: October 4th, 2024 (Fri), 1pm to 5pm (Participants must present their ID for identity verification during registration, and wear competition attire for the event they are participating in during weigh-ins. For Bikini athletes, accessories can be omitted. If participating in two different events, participants must prepare the designated attire for both events.)

(2) Opening ceremony: October 5th, 2024 (Sat) and October 6th (Sun), at 10:30am. All participants are invited to attend the opening ceremony.
(3) Judges: Domestic and foreign judges certified by the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF) will be hired.

(4) Male bodybuilders must wear appropriate bodybuilding pants that are not indecent. Shorts, underwear, or swimwear are prohibited. Participants must wear the competition attire for the event they are participating in during weigh-in, and prepare the designated attire for both events if participating in two different events. If attire does not comply with regulations on the day of the competition, participants will not be allowed to compete.

(5) Female bikini athletes must wear appropriate bikini bodybuilding clothes that are not indecent. Participants must wear the competition attire for events they are participating in during weigh-in, and prepare the designated attire for both events if participating in two different events. If the attire does not comply with regulations on the day of competition, participants will not be allowed to compete.

(6) Only M-CURE branded BBTAN certified by the event is allowed to be used for tanning. In order to achieve a consistent skin tone for all competitors on stage, all competitors must use only BBTAN. GOLD TAN and FITNESS STAR TAN are not allowed to be used, and competitors who don't use M-CURE tanning will not be allowed to compete.

(7) Performance music should be prepared by the competitors themselves (only for those participating in bodybuilding category), and the music file should be emailed to wnbftaiwan@gmail.com. Please name the file with the following information: (1) Competitor's name, (2) Competition weight class, (3) Use MP3 format only and convert the file yourself, (4) Please trim music to 1 minute in length. If the above conditions are not met, music prepared by the event will be used. The deadline for emailing music is Sep 15th, 2024.

(8) Weigh-in registration: Bodybuilding competitors have two opportunities to weigh in. After completing height and weight measurements, competitors must sign a registration form to confirm the competition class they will participate in.

(9) When registering for the competition, competitors should truthfully fill in their desired weight class. On the day of weigh-in, competitors are only allowed to move up or down one weight class from the one they registered for. If a competitor exceeds two weight classes, they will be disqualified from the competition. For example, if a competitor registers for the bodybuilding class under 70 kg, they are allowed to compete in the weight class of 65 kg or 75 kg. If they exceed this range, they will lose their eligibility to compete.

(10) All athletes must complete the weigh-in and height measurement process. Those who are unable to participate in the weighing and registration process at the designated time will lose their qualification for the competition. Athletes should complete this process no later than 5pm on October 4th, 2024. If there are any special circumstances, please contact the association proactively.

(11) All athletes must bring the following documents during weigh-ins: 1. Taiwanese citizens need only their local ID's. 2. Foreigners need to bring a valid passport. 3. Residence or legal residency proof for immigrants.

(12) After the awards ceremony, the WNBF TAIWAN Drug Testing Team will immediately conduct urine testing for the first-place winner in that weight class. The second and third-place winners or association-designated drug testing athletes will be tested randomly. During the drug testing process, athletes must cooperate with all procedures. If there is excessive resistance, the association has the right to confiscate the athlete's placing and medal.

(13) Athletes who undergo drug testing must allow the association to publicly release the drug test report unconditionally, to uphold the association's commitment to fairness, justice, and openness.

(14) For information on banned substances related to the competition, please refer to the official website of the WNBF. For circumstances that require special medical treatment, athletes must provide sufficient medical diagnosis from relevant medical units. The association will determine whether the athlete is eligible to participate in the competition.

(15) Participating athletes must undergo a polygraph test. Those who do not pass the test will be given a chance to retake it(In the event of a failed first lie detector test with a refund request, the association recognizes the failure to pass the lie detector test and thus does not grant a refund.). If they still fail, they will not be allowed to participate in the competition, and the registration and participation fees will not be refunded. Those who do not undergo the lie detector test will not be allowed to participate in the competition.

(16) Please keep the venue clean, including the toilets, walls, tables, chairs, and other surrounding areas. When entering the audience area, athletes must wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and slippers, and should not stain the venue with stage tanning. Please maintain a clean environment. If the venue is damaged, individuals should clean and restore it on site.

(17) Participants and audiences can refer to the schedule to confirm time of each event and follow the instructions of on-site staff to get to the warm-up and check-in area. If a participant leaves the competition venue and does not return after being called three times, it will be considered as giving up the right to participate in the competition.

(18) In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act - "the personal data provided for this competition registration will only be used for the purposes related to this competition."

(19) If a participant fails the lie detector or drug test, their name, photo, and the results of the test will be publicly announced and no refund will be given. The participant will also face a lifetime ban from the competition. Participants should not register for the competition with a gambling mindset.

(20) No refund procedures will be accepted two weeks prior to competition. Participants who wish to withdraw at this time will be charged a 20% handling fee.

(21) If you are taking any prescription medications, you must inform the polygraph examiner and the association before the polygraph test. Failure to do so may result in consequences affecting the polygraph results, for which you will be responsible.
(22) If you have any mental health conditions and are under ongoing medical treatment, you must inform the polygraph examiner and the association before the polygraph test. Failure to do so may affect the polygraph results, and you will be responsible for the consequences.

※Event Categories※

Competition Categories:

(The organizer may merge classes if there are less than six participants in a class):

*Medals will be awarded to the top five in each weight class.

WNBF Pro Cards:

3 cards for Men's Bodybuilding

3 cards for Men's Physique

3 cards for Women's Bikini

(1) Men's bodybuilding Division:

- Men's novice bodybuilding, 70 kg and below (open to those who have not placed top five in any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Men's novice bodybuilding, 80 kg and below (open to those who have not placed top five in any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Men's novice bodybuilding, over 80 kg (open to those who have not placed top five in any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Men's teenage bodybuilding, 70 kg and below (23 years old or younger)

- Men's teenage bodybuilding, over 70 kg (23 years old or younger)

- Men's master bodybuilding, 40 years old and above

- Men's open bodybuilding, 65 kg and below

- Men's open bodybuilding, 70 kg and below

- Men's open bodybuilding, 75 kg and below

- Men's open bodybuilding, 80 kg and below

- Men's open bodybuilding, 85 kg and below

- Men's open bodybuilding, over 85 kg

- Overall champion competition (only gold medalists from open to participate)

※ Novice group does not have one-minute posing routine, teenage, master, and open groups will have one-minute posing routine for top five finalists.

(2) Men's Physique Division:

- Men's Physique Novice 170cm and under (open to those who have not placed top five in any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Men's Physique Novice 173cm and under (open to those who have not placed top five in any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Men's Physique Novice 176cm and under (open to those who have not placed top five in any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Men's Physique Novice 179cm and under (open to those who have not placed top five in any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Men's Physique Novice 182cm and under (open to those who have not placed top five in any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Men's Physique Novice 182cm and above (open to those who have not placed top five in any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Men's Physique Junior 175cm and under (under/including 23 years old)

- Men's Physique Junior 175cm and above (under/including 23 years old)

- Men's Physique Masters 40 years old and above (including 40)

- Men's Physique Open 168cm and under

- Men's Physique Open 171cm and under

- Men's Physique Open 174cm and under

- Men's Physique Open 177cm and under

- Men's Physique Open 180cm and under

- Men's Physique Open 183cm and under

- Men's Physique Open 183cm and above

- Overall Champion Competition (The top two in the open category by intake quantity)

※ Novice Category does not have I-Walk, and each participant in Youth, Masters, and Open Categories has a 20-second I-Walk individual posing routine.

(3) Men's Sport Model Division:- Men's Sport Model Junior
- Men's Sport Model Open 170cm and under
- Men's Sport Model Open 175cm and under
- Men's Sport Model Open 180cm and under
- Men's Sport Model Open 180cm and above
- Overall champion competition (only gold medalists from open to participate)
※ Each athlete will be given a 20-second I-Walk routine.(4) Men's Fitness Model Division:
- Men's Fitness Model Junior- Men's Fitness Model Master
- Men's Fitness Model Open 170cm and under- Men's Fitness Model Open 175cm and under- Men's Fitness Model Open 180cm and under- Men's Fitness Model Open 180cm and above- Overall champion competition (only gold medalists from open to participate)
※ Each athlete will be given a 20-second I-Walk routine.

(5) Women's Bikini Division:

- Women's Bikini Novice 160cm and under (open to those who have not placed in the top five of any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Women's Bikini Novice 165cm and under (open to those who have not placed in the top five of any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Women's Bikini Novice 165cm and above (open to those who have not placed in the top five of any WNBF domestic or international competitions)

- Women's Bikini Junior (open to those 23 years old and under)

- Women's Bikini Masters 40 years old above

- Women's Bikini Open 155cm and under

- Women's Bikini Open 158cm and under

- Women's Bikini Open 161cm and under

- Women's Bikini Open 164cm and under

- Women's Bikini Open 167cm and under

- Women's Bikini Open 167cm and above

- Overall Champion Competition (only gold medalists from open to participate)

※ No I-Walk routine for Novice Division. Each athlete in the Teen, Open, and Masters Division will have a 20-second I-Walk routine.

(6) Women's Sport Model Division:

- Women's Sport Model Junior (open to those 23 years old and under)

- Women's Sport Mode Open 160cm and under

- Women's Sport Mode Open 165cm and under

- Women's Sport Mode Open 165cm and above

- Overall Champion Competition (only gold medalists from open to participate)

※ Each athlete will be given a 30-second I-Walk routine.

(7) Women's Figure Division:

- Women's Figure Open Division

※ Each athlete will be given a 30-second I-Walk routine.